
• strlen() = Returns the amount of characters in a string in a numbe • strpos() = returns you the character number of the previous character before the first mention of the specific word or character you wanted to know the position of • strrpos = returns you the character number of the previous character before the last mention of the specific word or character you wanted to know the position of • strstr() = returns the string inside of a string you specifically asked for • substr() = returns the rest of the string after the character number you gave. you can also add how long you want it to go on for by adding a second number which dictates the length of the returned string • str_replace() = returns the string where you replaced a specific part of the string (that is inside of the string, if not it simply gives back the unchanged string) with the part you gave up • substr_replace() = returns the string where you replaced a specific length of the string with the part you gave up • strtolower() = returns the string into full lowercase • strtoupper() = returns the string into full uppercase • ucfirst() = returns the string with the first character being uppercase • ucwords() = returns the string with the first character of each word being uppercase


Made by Thijs Aarnoudse